Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Building a Foundation

I am sitting here at what feels like the end of summer.  I think that technically we still have a bit more of summer left, but summer always feels like it is coming to an end with the hustle and bustle of parents getting ready for school to start.  For me, I am reminded and thankful of the slower and more flexible pace of homeschooling.  Sitting here tonight, I have been reflecting over how much has developed over the past 2 months that we have been back in Texas.

The door of I Will Stand International was opened, and we willingly walked through.  It began with a vision of a village in Rwanda where rescued women and children would regain hope and have a chance at a future.  When we began our journey to Texas, this was our vision.  Since then, it has developed into so much more.  We truly have developed an international focus and have been making connections around the world.  While at times I feel that we are in a standstill as I want to be hands-on making an impact in the lives of others, I know that this is a foundational time.

One development that we are working on is a rescue program for victims of domestic violence whose lives are in immediate danger right here in America.  God has connected us to an human trafficking investigator who has developed a similar program in another country to the one that we have envisioned here.  I have again been amazed at God's alignments.  It seems that just at the point when I start to feel anxious, frustrated, and helpless, realize it, and then purpose to trust God more fully that is when He opens another door.  The anxious, frustrated, and helpless feelings are manifested from me beginning to trust in my own insufficient abilities to accomplish what God has purposed for us to do.

Another exciting development is our STAND AGAINST VIOLENCE & ABUSE events where women will be sharing their testimonies of violence and abuse and how God has/is healing and restoring them.  I envision them being powerful places of healing and empowerment for the people that God sends through the doors.  Please pray for these events as the first one is scheduled for January 26.

I think back to the beginning of the summer when a man heard our vision which at that time was only the vision of a village in Africa.  His first response was to question my credentials.  I am thankful that God does not operate in this manner.  I am thankful that God sees our heart and our intentions.  He knows us from the inside out.  I encourage you that if God gives you a dream to hold on and never let go no matter the criticisms or the sacrifices that you may face.  We have sold nearly everything that we have, given up much, lost friends who couldn't understand what we were doing...because quite honestly we didn't know either.  We just knew that we had to chase God where ever He took us.  Now as God begins to reveal the bigger picture of what we have been sacrificing for and trusting him for, I can promise you that it has all been worth it.  Continue on with Him.  Stay close to Him so that you can hear His whispers and stay on His path.  You will not be disappointed.