Monday, May 14, 2012

The Land of a Thousand Hills

I thought that I would have more time to blog while here in Africa, but there have been so many things to see and do.  I spent many of my first days calming my husband's fears about me being in Africa.  I struggled so much in the beginning of this trip about the misconceptions that Americans have about Africa.  Perhaps these perceptions hold true in some areas but not all areas.

Rwanda is a beautiful country full of amazing, gracious people.  They have overcome so much in such a short time.  The 1994 Genocide wiped out over 1,000,000 people in 3 months.  I have heard horrible, devestating stories of murder, rape, brutal torture, etc.  One lady was raped by a man and forced to marry him only to find out later than he had murdered her 9 other family member.  She knew he was the murderer when he walked up carrying her uncle's head in his hand taunting her with it.  The story has much more devestation but ends beautifully with the restoration and healing that only Christ can offer.  The joy that exudes from her makes it impossible to imagine the story of her life.  If one has ever wondered if God existed, one only has to come to a place like this and hear these horrible stories, yet experience the miracle of complete healing and forgiveness which is not humanly possible.

Yes, Rwanda has struggled.  However, the people have cried out, and God has responded.  The country has made massive improvements in many areas of society and still have a long way to go.  Many people still struggle eat, to go to school, to forgive.  The street kids that I have been working with struggle with issues of abandonment, abuse, survival, but are very open to help and change.  There is much to be done in this country, and the encouraging part is that this country is responsive to developmental help not just handouts.

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